Our Advisors

Dr Hugo Ford

Oncology and Board Advisor

Mike Murphy

Investor director

Geoff Chapman

Digital Platform Advisor


Amadeus logo: Boutros Bear client
Cambridge Capital Group logo: Boutros Bear client
British Business Bank logo: Boutros Bear client
syndicate room logo: Boutros Bear client
Cambridge Angels logo: Boutros Bear client
Meltwind logo: Boutros Bear client

We will be raising our Series A round in Q3 2024. If you are interested in investing in Boutros Bear, please email investors@boutrosbear.com

Our Partners

Kate Silverton

Employer Training Presenter

Hayley Oggely

Art Therapist

Lisa Stange

HR course advisor

We are Always Open to Partners

We will be starting Randomised Controlled Trials (RCT’s) in 2022 to further understand the impact of our Cancer Rehabilitation programme in reducing the side effects of cancer treatments. We will also be measuring cost-effectiveness on Quality of Life measures and long-term survival rates in partnership with a number of international researchers in these fields.

If you are a pharmaceutical company or healthcare provider interested in partnering with us, please get in touch with us at partners@boutrosbear.com.

Thank you to Costello Medical for their collaboration on our health economic studies.